TAHRIR Coalition

Say no to repression!

What is TAHRIR?

The TAHRIR Coalition is a movement dedicated to the liberation of all people. We advocate for resistance against systems of domination and struggle to destroy their manifestations at the University of Michigan, throughout Turtle Island, and across the globe. We act in solidarity with freedom fighters in Palestine and revolutionaries everywhere working to dismantle global imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy.

What do we do?

TAHRIR fights against U-M's material complicity in systems of oppression. This entails demands to:

  1. Divest from israeli apartheid and genocide
  2. Establish a People's Audit
  3. Boycott israeli academic institutions
  4. Abolish campus policing
Forcing U-M to fulfill these demands are the most impactful actions we can take towards the liberation of Palestine and oppressed people globally. The ongoing genocide in Gaza highlights the the magnitude of the violence U-M profits from and the urgency to act now.

Winning these demands will require steadfast and persistent struggle. We do so through mass collective action; radical political education and awareness; and direct disruption and confrontation. Our fight also requires a refusal to collaborate with or normalize oppressive institutions; a commitment towards keeping each other safe; and active work towards building the liberatory spaces we want to live in.

Take action to fight against the escalating violent repression of pro-Palestine activism!

The Michigan Attorney General has proceeded with charges, as requested by the Regents and Ono, against 11 pro-Palestine protesters at U-M. This is yet another escalatory move from the Regents and administration in their efforts to brutally squash any protest for Palestine. We remain steadfast in our commitment to fighting for Palestinian liberation! Take action against these unjust charges:

  • Read our full statement here.
  • Donate to the fundraiser for our comrades here.

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